FlexifyMe Blog - Balance your Mind, Body & Soul

Yoga and Physiotherapy for Cervical Spondylosis

Yoga & Physiotherapy for cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis, commonly known as neck arthritis, is a condition where bones and cartilage in the neck region go through wear and tear, causing chronic pain in the neck, head, and shoulder blades and stiffness in the neck. It can…

How to Manage Chronic Knee Pain?

Chronic Knee pain

Chronic knee pain is a persistent, continuous pain for a long period in one or both knees. This results in immense pain, swelling and sensibility. The symptoms and the causes of the pain are interconnected.  Managing your life with constant…

Acute Vs Chronic Pain- Differences, Exercises and More

Chronic Pain vs Acute Pain

Table of Contents Understanding Acute Pain Syndrome Causes of Acute Pain Symptoms of Acute Pain Syndrome Understanding Chronic Pain Syndrome Causes of chronic pain Symptoms of Chronic Pain Syndrome Chronic Pain vs Acute Pain- Key Differences Early symptoms Duration Impact…

Manage High Blood Pressure with Simple Yoga Asanas

yoga for high blood pressure

We all have heard of hypertension or high blood pressure. Around 1.28 billion adults aged between 30 and 79 years worldwide have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. It is among the most common health conditions. While some people…

How Yoga & Physiotherapy Helps Manage Lower Back Pain

Physiotherapy for lower back pain

Lower back pain is a common problem that is affecting millions of people across the globe. There could be many reasons for this lower back problem, like stress, wrong body posture, a sedentary lifestyle, and injuries. Though there are regular…

Yoga for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

yoga for Beginnner

The age-old practice of yoga has touched the lives of many with its powerful capability to enhance the quality of life. It is a way of life that helps you find the right direction for a healthy and happy living. …

Srishti’s Success Story: Yoga for Weight Loss and Back Pain Relief


Introduction Srishti Goenka, a busy working professional from Kolkata, found herself facing a common challenge: weight gain and chronic back pain. Despite past experience with fitness activities, her demanding schedule made consistent exercise difficult. Determined to regain her health and…