Yoga for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

The age-old practice of yoga has touched the lives of many with its powerful capability to enhance the quality of life. It is a way of life that helps you find the right direction for a healthy and happy living. 

Beginner Yoga

If you are a person who wants to uplift your life naturally, then yoga is the way to go. To start with, you should practise beginner yoga. It includes postures and exercises that can be easily done without prior experience or knowledge. To help you start with beginner yoga, here is a comprehensive guide. 

More About Yoga

Yoga is a combination of mental, spiritual, and physical practices in a disciplined way aiming for a healthy body, mental tranquillity, and spiritual wellness. It is a journey of self-discovery and awareness. Involving various postures, yoga works like magic in promoting physical strength, flexibility, and balance, hence correcting the body posture. 

5 Yoga Poses for Beginner-5 Minutes Home Yoga Workout

Health benefits of yoga

Before getting into details of the poses or asanas, let’s see how yoga benefits for beginners, making it an ideal practice in numerous ways.

Physical fitness

One of the main reasons why most people approach yoga is for physical fitness. Today’s sedentary lifestyle has taken a toll on physical fitness, resulting in various diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and heart diseases. The combination of different types of yoga can help in reducing inflammation. 

Reduce stress

Another reason that encourages individuals to include yoga in their daily lives is the fact that it aids in stress reduction. It is said that chronic stress and negativity can affect our immunity; some studies have found that regularly practising yoga can help in improving immunity by releasing negativity. Yoga poses, or asanas, help in mental and physical relaxation, and controlled breathing and mindful techniques boost the happy hormones known as endorphins that positively affect your mood and help to keep stress at bay.

Improved posture

Wrong posture has become a big problem nowadays; in this tech-driven era, knowingly or unknowingly, we are spending more and more time bending over devices, leading to improper postures. Numerous yoga poses for beginners can improve spinal health, focusing on mobility and flexibility, alleviating discomforts, and assisting towards better alignment of tightened muscles, aiding towards improved posture.

Body Awareness

In our fast-paced life, we often tend to get disconnected from our bodies. Yoga encourages us to be more mindful of our bodies, helping us better understand our body mechanisms and moves. It enables us to reconnect with our bodies and become more aware of physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

Improves Mental health

With a blend of elevated stress, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food choices, and a lack of sleep, our mental health has gone for a toss, so much so that people have no choice besides taking therapy or medication, which may not be long-lasting. But with regular practice, yoga can benefit beginners with mental health issues by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and regulating the feel-good hormone.

Improves Sleep

One of the major and common culprits for mental health issues is “insomnia”. It is a disorder that makes it hard for a person to sleep properly, which can lead to low energy, less reproductivity, and numerous health issues. Doing yoga daily can enhance the quality of our sleep, leaving us feeling charged and more productive throughout the day.

Types of Yoga

Yoga is very diverse in nature; it has numerous types of poses and exercises that will suit different body types. Having said that, particular kinds of yoga practices are well-suited for beginners. After learning about the various health benefits of yoga for beginners, we will now see what types of yoga beginners can seek.

Hatha Yoga 

Hatha yoga can be a great way to kick-start yoga practice. It typically involves a set of physical poses with breathing techniques like pranayam, moving at a slower pace, making it easy to learn for beginners. Hatha yoga includes asana, mudra, pranayam, and mantra techniques. 

Vinyasa Yoga 

Also known as flow yoga, this yoga is a breath-initiated practice where each body movement is in sync with the breath. Breath acts as an anchor as we move from one pose to another. There is a beginner version of vinyasa yoga called beginner flow. It is an excellent yoga form that improves heart health.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is derived from hatha yoga, named after its founder, B.K.S. Iyengar, who was, to a certain extent, responsible for taking the yoga practice toward the West. Iyengar yoga encourages using numerous props like belts, blocks, or bolsters within the asanas to lessen the risk of injury, specifically focusing on posture-related problems and improving balance. 

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga consists of long-held, passive poses lasting up to five minutes. It is a gentle and meditative practice that mostly works on the lower part of the body, like the hips, inner thighs, pelvis, and lower spine, making muscles relaxed during asanas to prevent muscle contractions. Regular practice brings calmness to the mind and improves flexibility and body balance. 

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is another best for beginners yoga. It is a restful practice that encourages us to slow down and open our bodies by passive stretches. This practice will provide deep relaxation where we have to hold the body in a pose for five minutes or more; restorative yoga, as the name suggests, helps restore our body energy by increasing relaxation and better sleep, enhancing mood and overall well-being.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is another magnificent form that focuses on spiritual growth, incorporating simple breathing exercises, poses, and chantings. It also introduces us to the power of our inner energy, which is said to be located at the base of our spine. In contrast to the other types, kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice that helps with more empathy, increased creativity, internal peace, and self-confidence.

Yoga Poses for Beginners

The beauty of yoga is that there is no age barrier; we can start yoga at any stage in our lives, no matter what age group we belong to, and it always holds some or another benefit. Here, we will see which yoga is best for beginners, which is easy and beginner-friendly, and which one can practise day to day.

Tadasana or Mountain pose

Tadasana, or mountain pose, is an effortless pose. This pose not only works on major muscles but grants a pain-free experience.

  • Stand straight on your feet, hips wide apart, and slowly lift your arms with interlocked fingers and feet off the ground, breathing in and out.
  • Trying to balance the whole body weight on toes, then slowly returning to normal position. 

As the foundation for all standing yoga poses, some complex health benefits include enhanced posture and boosted mental awareness.

Balasana or Child Pose

Balasana, or child pose, is a relaxation pose meant to calm our minds; it is about being comfortable and well-rested, increasing flexibility in the back and hips, and relieving fatigue.

  • Sit on your heel and stretch your hands out on the floor or by your side.
  • Bend your head on the ground and breathe in.
  • Roll up to come back to the normal pose while breathing out.

Balasana can be beneficial in treating chest pain, neck pain, and lung-related problems.

Setu Bandha Asana or Bridge Pose

Setu bandha asana, or bridge pose, forms a bridge-like shape, helping rejuvenate the mind and body, along with aiding digestion.

  • Lie on your back and lift your hips.
  • Fold your knees, forming a bridge-like structure.
  • Slowly lift your back and bring it down by inhaling and exhaling.

Yoga bolsters can be used to support your back. In addition to other benefits, this asana helps women during menstrual pain or menopause.

Adhomukha Svanasana or Downward facing Dog Pose

Adhomukha svanasana, or downward facing dog pose, is where the body is in a position that looks like a relaxing dog. This helps in body cooling.

  • Start from your hands and knees, making a table position.
  • Lift your hips upwards, straightening your elbows and knees to form an inverted “V”, taking deep breaths.
  • After holding for a while, return to the table position, slowly exhaling.

This pose rejuvenates the whole body and increases lung capacity by strengthening chest muscles. 

Savasana or Corpse Pose

Savasana, or corpse pose, is a resting pose typically used at the end of a yoga session. It might look like something purposeless, but it is as beneficial as any other yoga pose.

  • Extend your arms and legs by the side, and lie flat on your back.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.

This meditation relaxes your body and soul with a sense of calmness, releasing adrenaline and reducing stress. It also diminishes anxiety and insomnia, being an ideal meditation for beginners.


Yoga is a way of life that helps you stay fit inside out. Integrating yoga into your daily life can transform your life in numerous ways, enhancing mind, body, and soul. You will start feeling the difference, although slowly but effectively, in the long run.

Beginning your yoga sessions alone can be monotonous. Moreover, practising it without prior knowledge can lead to unwanted consequences that might hamper your health further. Try out our online yoga courses for beginners with a free demo to get the much-needed solution for your ailments, including back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain, among others.

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Pramod Choudhary
Pramod Choudhary

Dr. Pramod Choudhary, an IT graduate with a Ph.D. in "Vedic Yoga and Psycho Neurobics," is a renowned alternative therapist and Stress Management Expert. His journey into spirituality, influenced by revered figures like Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, led him to dedicate his life to the teachings and practices of yoga. With extensive experience in meditation and spiritual instruction, Dr. Choudhary offers deep insights into these transformative practices. He holds a Yoga Alliance-accredited multistyle yoga teacher certification, expertise in various yoga styles, Pranayama, Meditations, Yoga Philosophy, Delta Healing, and Psycho-Neurobics, demonstrating his commitment to holistic well-being and guiding others in their spiritual and physical transformation journeys.

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